Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Trailer Showcases Story Bits, Tigrex, and Velkhana

A new, unseen monster is also teased near the end.

Monster Hunter World IceborneMonster Hunter World Iceborne

Monster Hunter World’s Iceborne expansion is still a few months off, but Capcom is promising lots of new content. That includes a new story, which sees the Fifth Fleet traveling to Hoarfrost Reach to solve its mysteries. Check out the story trailer below (and stay tuned till the end).

There are new monsters to face as well, of course. Series favourite Tigrex returns with his trademark aggression, and the Elder Dragon Velkhana is seen as well. Other new gameplay mechanics seem to include using small Jagras as mounts for getting around.

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne will sport numerous new armour and weapons, along with a new Master Rank for quests. Players will use the new Clutch Claw for grappling on to monsters and making use of new abilities for existing weapon trees. Head here to see what Lances and Gunlances can do, and here for Light and Heavy Bowguns.

The expansion is out on September 6th for Xbox One and PS4, with the PC version due in Winter.

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