Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Videos Showcase New Lance and Gunlance Moves

Aim the Slinger while guarding with the Lance, or use Wyrmstake as a timed bomb with the Gunlance.

Capcom has been releasing a number of videos for Monster Hunter World’s upcoming Iceborne expansion, revealing new moves for each weapon type. Today, we get to see how the Lance and Gunlance are changing for the better. Check out the videos below.

Keeping in mind that the Slinger can now be used with all unsheathed weapons, the Lance seems pretty straightforward. You can hold the shield up while aiming the Slinger, providing an extra layer of defense. It’s also possible to grapple back onto a monster using the Clutch Claw when knocked away.

The Gunlance is perhaps more interesting. It seems you can unload ammo in such a way as to trigger a new reload animation. And while the shield isn’t held up while aiming with the Slinger, you can sink the Wyrmstake into a monster, where it will remain for some time before detonating. Small changes, for sure, but they make quite the difference.

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne will be releasing in September for Xbox One and PS4. PC players can get their hands on the expansion in Winter.

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