Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Videos Showcase New Light and Heavy Bowgun Abilities

Reload a single shot with dodges or snipe foes from greater distances.

Monster Hunter World IceborneMonster Hunter World Iceborne

Continuing its series of upcoming new moves for its weapon trees, Capcom has released two new videos for Monster Hunter World’s Light Bowgun and Heavy Bowgun. What new abilities will these weapons receive in the upcoming Iceborne expansion? How do you they interact with the new Clutch Claw? Check out the videos below.

The Light Bowgun benefits from a dodge roll that also refills a shot in the magazine. This helps for repositioning and sustained DPS, especially in the thick of combat. The Heavy Bowgun changes are a little more interesting – it’s possible to attach a scope and snipe monsters from longer ranges. This should help in providing additional support to other players from relative safety.

Monster Hutner World: Iceborne will release on September 6th for Xbox One and PS4 with the promise of as much content as the base game. PC players will have to wait until Winter for their fix. In the meantime though, check out the new abilities for the Lance and Gunlance that are also coming with the expansion.

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