Need For Speed Heat Has No Loot Boxes Or Other “Surprise Mechanics”

The developer says none of the controversial monetization elements will be in the game.

Need for Speed Heat got its grand unveiling yesterday with its retro-infused trailer. It’ll still be a few days before we get to see the game in action as the gameplay reveal is being saved for Gamescom. We do have some information trickling out that should make some people happy, though, in regards to the game’s monetization model.

On the game’s official Reddit page, the development team described the game and when fans joked about the loot boxes that would replace the Speed Cars mechanics from Payback, the community manager chimed in to say the game would feature no loot boxes. How about “surprise mechanics,” some asked in reference to EA’s classification of loot boxes earlier in the year, and again the manager said no to that as well.

Need For Speed Heat will release November 8th. It promises lot of new material fans have been clamoring for, and it’ll be interesting to see what kind of monetization model EA is pursuing if not loot boxes. We may not get to see that until much closer to launch, but we should see the game in action soon.

electronic artsGhost GamesNeed for Speed: Heatpcps4Xbox One