New Darksiders Game To Be Unveiled At E3, “Takes The Franchise In A Fresh Direction”

Looks like those recent reports were true after all.

Reports emerged not too long ago that THQ Nordic would be revealing two new games at E3 2019, one of which would be “a new vision of beloved franchise”. It didn’t take long for people to do some digging to discover that that was going to be a new Daksiders game– and now, that’s been confirmed

The E3 Coliseum website makes mention of a Darksiders panel to take place on June 13, and confirms that the panel will pertain to a new action adventure title in the series that will be unveiled during E3. This “brand new Darksiders game” will, as per the panel’s description, “take the franchise in a fresh direction”- which should definitely be interesting to see.

If the aforementioned reports are anything to go by, the new game will be called Darksiders: Genesis- though that isn’t confirmed by any means. We should find out soon enough either way.

Not too long ago, THQ Nordic confirmed that in spite of mixed reviewsDarksiders 3 had performed within their expectations, and that Darksiders remains a key IP for them- so it isn’t all too surprising to see them sticking with the franchise.

Darksiderse3 2019Gunfire Gamespcps4THQ NordicXbox One