New Dead Island Screenshots show a group of survivors fighting

The game actually looks better this time around.

Deepsilver have released a bunch of new screenshots from their upcoming game Dead Island Riptide. They look gorgeous and it actually feels like the zombies are something that can really scare you.

According to the description, “the screenshots show a group of survivors fighting their way through the former picture postcard idyll of Henderson, which is a city located on the island of Palanai.”

“The survivors (including new recruit John Morgan) finds themselves shipwrecked and stranded on this island in the Banoi archipelago.”

There is a lot of opportunity for close combat and there are mines too in the game which have been introduced first time to the series. Imagine a bunch of zombies stepping on the mines, that would be fun, right?

The city environments look really great in these screenshots, kind of reminds me of Call of Duty levels but more solid.

We recently interviewed the studio and have a lot of interesting new information on the game. Check out the screenshots below.

dead island: riptideDeep Silverpcps3xbox 360