Of all the improvements Microsoft have made to their already impressive backward compatibility program in recent months, FPS Boost has to be one of the most well-received- and for good reason, too. Being able to play older games on newer hardware with natively enhanced frame rates is something that cannot be praised enough. Following its initial batch of supported games, FPS Boost added a bunch of Bethesda titles, and recently did the same with several EA games. Now, it seems like it’s going to be adding a lot more.
Journalist Tom Warren recently published a Fleet on Twitter (via @IdleSloth84), in which he teased that over 50 backward compatibility games on Xbox Series X/S will be receiving FPS Boost support (either 60 FPS or 120 FPS enhancements) very soon. It remains to be seen exactly when it’ll happen, but given the timeline of previous FPS Boost announcements, it shouldn’t be too long. And it’s certainly exciting- 50 is a big number, so we’re curious to see which games will be supported.
Microsoft has previously said that only Xbox One games are going to receive FPS Boost support for the foreseeable future, so that narrows down the pool somewhat. Either way, we’ll keep you updated, so stay tuned.