Overwatch – Halloween Terror Event Returns Today, New Zenyatta Emote Revealed

The event coincides with the launch of the Nintendo Switch version.

Out of nowhere, Blizzard Entertainment has announced that Overwatch’s Halloween Terror event will be returning today. This is the same day that the hero shooter launches on Nintendo Switch, thus ushering in a potential flood of new players. What can you expect this time around? Zenyatta on his two feet as an emote, if a recent tweet is anything to go by.

Other new cosmetics like Legendary and Epic skins, sprays, voice lines and whatnot are also expected. We’ll also likely see the return of Junkenstein’s Revenge and the haunted version of the Château Guillard map. Outside of that, it’s anyone’s guess what Blizzard has planned next.

Halloween Terror will be available until November 4th, which is conveniently around the time that BlizzCon 2019 happens. There have been rumors about Overwatch 2 being announced at the ceremony and a greater focus on PvE and lore content. Time will tell if the rumors are true so stay tuned for more details.

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