Project Spark Xbox One Beta Set for January 2014

First open beta for the game creation title.

Want to get in on the beta for Team Dakota’s Project Spark and start building games like there’s no tomorrow? Following up on the showcase of what individuals have made using Spark, Microsoft has announced that the Xbox One beta for Project Spark will begin on January 2014. This will be the game’s first open beta; a closed beta will be released for Windows 8 this October.

Microsoft Games Studios general manager Dave McCarthy stated that, “Everything will be fully playable on day one [for Xbox One]. You’ll be able to either use that Crossroads mode to build something really quickly through story choices, you can do the blank slate editor, or you can take games that other people have built and then just edit them for yourself.”

Project Spark will also be releasing for the Xbox 360 at some point. As of now, Spring 2014 seems like the best release date for the “game creator” project.


KinectMicrosoftopen betapcProject SparksmartglassTeam DakotaWindows 8xbox 360Xbox One