RAGE 2 Introduces “Next Level Cool” Faction, the Immortal Shrouded

In the words of the developers, the Immortal Shrouded are a bunch of badasses who can deflect bullets and have super rad cloaking abilities.

The RAGE 2 developers promised us not too long ago that the upcoming open world shooter’s post-apocalyptic landscapes would have factions that were full of terrible people, but were still kind of awesome, and lately Bethesda has been introducing us one by one to said terrible but awesome factions. Recently, they put up an update on another one of these, the Immortal Shrouded, who they describe as “a bunch of goddamn badasses”.

They wield electric swords that they use to deflect incoming bullets, and also have “super rad” cloaking abilities. They are militaristic, highly tactical, and fight in close-knit units. Their expansionist nature has led them to be at war with several other factions in the game, including RAGE 2’s only neutral faction, the Trade Coalition. They’re described as a technologically savvy elite killing force.

The Immortal Shrouded, as their name suggests, were born from the Shrouded who were seen in the first game. After their conflict with the Authority, the Shrouded went through a period of internal cleansing, where one in every three of them were killed by one another, following which they exiled themselves in unknown lands, only to return “very recently” with mysterious technology.

Says Senior Narrative Designer Loke Wallmo about the faction, “The Immortal Shrouded are a pure warrior clan society – highly disciplined, organized and possessing a burning conviction. They believe they are the saviors of the world and everyone that opposes them is an enemy to be vanquished or enslaved. The Immortal Shrouded want nothing less than to save humanity from itself. Chaos will be replaced by order, lawlessness by justice, and greed by honor.”

Sounds like a good time. 

RAGE 2 is out on May 14 for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. If somehow you still don’t know what RAGE 2 is all about, this recently released trailer might help you out. Bethesda also recently detailed the game’s pre-order bonuses-check them out through here

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