With one more day left until Resident Evil 4 Remake launches, Capcom has released the third episode of “Leon and the Mysterious Village.” Produced by Nippon Animation (of Yamato Takeru fame), the animated short series is a parody of the game, with a cute art style and macabre events.
This time, Leon and Ashley ask the Old Man to make a vehicle so they can escape. Everything seems fine at first until the Old Man dons a burlap sack and becomes the Chainsaw Man due to Las Plagas. Other villagers join in the beatdown, and it ends, inexplicably, with the Old Man flying a helicopter into the duo in the afterlife.
Is it weirder than Leon running around, mummified in bandages due to all his injuries? Probably. Nevertheless, Resident Evil 4 Remake launches on March 24th for Xbox Series X/S, PS5, PS4 and PC. Check out our official review, where we awarded it a perfect ten, and stay tuned for more details.