So here’s your update on Battlefield 4 and the various happenings within it’s somewhat glitch ridden, yet nearly always awesome battlefields where war is…well it’s not quite war as we know it, but it’s fun. Those of you that have bombed around the battlefields will know that if you get up behind your foe and decide to stick ’em with your fancy stabbing device, you’ll rip off their dog tags. Giving you a slightly macabre little trophy.
Well one game yanked off someone’s tags in a testing environment and found that it says “Uprise”. That’s not the interesting bit though. The tag was uploaded to the CTE, that stands for the Community Test Environment, so find something new in there generally means that it’s coming to the masses when testing is done.
So do you think this will tie in to the next chunk of DLC? Well, it’s possible. Not guaranteed, don’t get me wrong, but Battlefield 4: Uprise does sound like something that DICE would run with. Yeah, just food for thought.