Sleeping Dogs Movie Is Still in the Works, Says Donnie Yen

"Great things take time".

Sleeping Dogs live action adaptation has apparently been in the works at Hollywood for a while. But given that we have heard nothing of it over the last few months, and that Hollywood adaptations of movies rarely pan out as well as you’d expect or hope, and that Sleeping Dogs, as good as it was, wasn’t exactly a commercial hit on any meaningful scale, many had assumed the movie was cancelled in all but name.

As it turns out, that’s not the case- action star Donnie Yen, who had his breakout role in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story back in 2016, is still looking to follow up on that success with a Sleeping Dogs movie. In recent Instagram post, Donnie Yen asserted that the movie is still in the works, teasing that “great thing take time”.

I want to hope that Sleeping Dogs as a Hollywood movie turns out well- it seems ripe for that, and it has some big name talent associated with it. But, well, history is against it- let’s find out how it goes.

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