Square Enix Profitable due to FFXIII-2, Deus Ex and Smartphones

Square Enix has released its fiscal year 12 results and that should make them happy because they are profitable. They cited the growth of packaged goods and credited FFXIII-2 and Deus Ex: Human Revolution for bringing in a lot of revenue.

They posted a profit of ¥6.06 billion, which is quite good after last year’s loss. They seem to be on the right track and this fiscal year contains a lot of software and looks promising for them. However, Tomb Raider has been delayed to Q1 2013.

It has to be noted that Final Fantasy XIII shipments aren’t given in the fiscal year results, but Deus Ex: Human Revolution shipped 2 million units and was also well received by people. Final Fantasy Brigade for the mobiles was also successful and has 2 million users.

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Deus Ex Human RevolutionFinal Fantasy XIII-2pcps3Square Enixxbox 360