Sunset Overdrive PC Public Test Build Update Addresses Mouse Sensitivity, Among Other Things

Minimum system requirement checks and save file issues have also been addressed.

Last week, Sunset Overdrive finally launched on PC (also available on Steam), four years after its initial Xbox One launch, which means there are many who’re experiencing Insomniac’s incredible open world title for the first time ever. Now, Blind Squirrel Games, who handled the game’s PC port, have released an update for the game that fixes a few of the issues that players have noticed so far.

So what are these changes exactly? For starters, mouse sensitivity has been improved, and once you download the update and adjust your in-game mouse sensitivity, you “should see a noticeable improvement”. Some players were also facing an issue where the game was preventing some people from playing due to how it was detecting minimum system specifications, which has also been addressed. Finally, players with Cyrillic (or non-ASCII) characters in their usernames were having issues with save files- that should no longer be the case either.

Keep in mind, though, that this update has only been rolled out as a public test build to a beta-branch in order to address some of the issues for players before Thanksgiving week, and that if you want to give the build a go, you’ll have to opt into the public test beta yourself. These changes, though, will be included in the game’s main update, which comes next week.

blind squirrel gamesInsomniac GamesMicrosoftpcXbox One