Tales from the Borderlands Episode 2 Now Available

"Atlas Mugged" continues the adventures of Rhys and Fiona on Pandora.

Telltale Games’ Tales from the Borderlands: Episode 2 “Atlas Mugged” is now available for current and previous gen platforms. It continues the story of Fiona, a bounty hunter, and Rhys, a Hyperion employee, as they continue their crazed journey on Pandora.

We won’t spoil the events of the first episode but current events see Vault hunters, bounty hunters, bandits and various other entities pursuing Fiona and Rhys across the planet. Whether they’ll get everything together or not remains to be seen but suffice to say that Telltale’s adventure hasn’t quite peaked just yet. That’s a good thing since there’s plenty of hilarious writing and action packed sequences to get through.

Tales from the Borderlands: Episode 2 is available on PS3, PS4, PC, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Mac, iOS and Android. What are your thoughts on the series thus far? Let us know in the comments and stay tuned for more information on upcoming episodes in the next few months.

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