The Division 2 Livestream Showcases Dark Zone West, New Dark Zone Perks

The architecture and makeup of Dark Zone West's Georgetown will make for some interesting fights.

The Division 2 Dark ZoneThe Division 2 Dark Zone

Ubisoft Massive debuted a ton of new information last week about The Division 2’s new Dark Zones. Yes, that’s “plural”, because Washington D.C. has three separate Dark Zone areas – DZ East, DZ South, and DZ West. In a new livestream, the development team focused on Dark Zone West, which takes place in Georgetown.

By opting for three separate areas instead of one giant area in the middle of the map, The Division 2’s Dark Zones will make for better pacing and more environmental variety. Case in point, DZ West has older architecture and alleys in the residential area, making for closer gunfights. Of course, it also has its own story, with DZ-62 being unleashed in order to eradicate the virus (and failing miserably, resulting in the yellow fog seen around the map).

Along with showcasing the areas and mechanics of the Dark Zone, Ubisoft also talked about Dark Zone Perks. These will unlock as you level up your DZ Rank. If your DZ Rank changes from losing too much XP, then it seems that those Perks can also be lost. Check out the full livestream below, or watch Arekkz Gaming’s video, which provides a handy summary.

The Division 2 is out on March 15th for Xbox One, PS4, and PC. The private beta will be available from February 7th to 10th.

pcps4Tom Clancy's The Division 2UbisoftUbisoft MassiveXbox One