The Division Receiving New State of the Game on August 18th

"More of a catch-up" according to Massive's Hamish Bode.

The Division_Dark ZoneThe Division_Dark Zone

Tom Clancy’s The Division, Ubisoft’s open world MMO/shooter, hasn’t exactly been in the best shape over the past few months.

The release of the Underground DLC was meant to revitalize interest in the game but spotty loot drops, repetitive level design, overpowered enemies and disappointing gear sets didn’t exactly get fans excited. Even after a recent update to allow all gear sets to drop from the Underground, interest in The Division remains at all-time low.

It also doesn’t help that community manager Hamish Bode has been on vacation over the past few weeks, which meant no State of the Game addresses to discuss issues. Regardless, Bode will host a new State of the Game on August 18th.

Don’t get your hopes up too high though – Bode answered a query about whether big things were coming up in the broadcast with, “In the coming weeks? Yes. This Thursday though will be more of a catch-up I think.”

What are your thoughts on the state of The Division at this time? Have you given up on the experience altogether? Let us know in the comments.

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