The King of Fighters 15 Special Animated Short Revealed

Directed by Masami Obari, the short showcases the entire roster ahead of the game's launch on February 17th for consoles and PC.

SNK’s The King of Fighters 15 is out later this month and offers a brand new story with new and returning fighters. This is in addition to multiplayer which includes Ranked, Casual and the new Draft Vs. mode. However, there will also be plenty of extra goodies, like the special animated short.

Directed by Masami Obari – who worked on animated films in the Fatal Fury series – the short is essentially a showcase for all of the characters. It does hint at the Big Bad that will be encountered in the story so there’s that. In addition to the special animated short, players can also listen to music from the entire series in-game along with checking out art work and illustrations in the Gallery.

The King of Fighters 15 is out on February 17th for PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X/S and PC. It includes 39 fighters at launch but six more are coming in Team Pass 1. These include Team Garou with Rock Howard, B. Jenet and Gato from Garou: Mark of the Wolves, and Team South Town with Geese Howard, Ryuji Yamazaki and Billy Kane.

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