Thief Gets Stealthy and Shadowy New Screenshot

Garrett's got the moves.

Eidos Montreal’s Thief is on track to release this February for current and next gen consoles. After several troublesome twists in development and a few gameplay changes, we’ll finally be returning to The City with Garrett to steal from the rich and give to ourselves. Check out the latest screenshot of the game to see how it’s shaped up thus far.

One thing to notice is Garrett apparently dancing with guards, no doubt making use of the new Focus ability, which can also be used to pick-pocket some one multiple times from the first person perspective. The environmental and weather effects look pretty good on Unreal Engine 3 and it will be interesting to see how the PC visuals measures up next to other platforms.

Thief releases on February 25th in North America and February 28th for Europe on Xbox 360, Xbox One, PC, PS3 and PS4. Stay tuned for more news and updates as we near release day.

Eidos Montrealpcps3ps4Square Enixthiefxbox 360Xbox One