Valheim Guide – How to Craft the Draugr Fang

Obtain the (current) strongest bow in the game with these tips.

The 10th world of Yggdrasil is home to all kinds of threats in Valheim. While having good armor is key, strong weapons – especially a bow – will go a long way. To that end, the Draugr Fang is currently the best possible option when going for ranged combat. Crafting it will take a bit of work though.

The materials needed for a Draugr Fang are 20 Silver, 10 Ancient Bark, 2 Deer Hide and 10 Guck. You also need the Forge to be level 2. The Deer Hide is the easiest to find – simply hunt some deer. The same goes for the Guck and Ancient Bark – chop down trees in the Swamp biome to obtain them.

Silver becomes available after defeating the boss Bonemass but you still need to go to the Mountain biome – whose freezing temperatures can kill those unprepared – and dig underground. Mining Silver also requires the Antler Pickaxe which can only be obtained from materials that Eikthyr, another boss drops. You’ll also want the Wishbone from Bonemass since it helps in locating underground resources much more easily (more details on that here).

As for the Forge, it needs two structures – the Forge Cooler and Anvils – to be upgraded. The former requires 25 Fine Wood and 10 Copper while the latter needs 5 Wood and 2 Bronze. Once you have everything, you can craft the Draugr Bow and wreck havoc on anything around you.

For more tips on Valheim, head here. You can also check out the requirements to summon each boss here.

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