Websites of Eidos and Deus Ex Hacked

This is not good. While people are still suffering from the PSN hack, we have news that websites for Eidos and the upcoming Deus Ex: Human Revolution have been hacked. Krebsonsecurity reports that hackers have downloaded over 9,000 resumes, possible source code for Deus Ex Human Revolution and information of 80,000 users which the hackers plan to release on file sharing networks.

Image couresty:

As you can see from the image above, was hacked on Thursday, by some one who uses the handle Ryan, who was actually reported by many websites as the one who took over the control networks for Anonymous. At the time of writing this, the Deus Ex website seems to be working fine.

Now this might be the same group that turned on the Anonymous. We will keep you updated on the same.

Do let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Deus Ex Human RevolutionEidosGamespcps3Square Enixxbox 360