What The Elder Scrolls 6 Can Learn From Mass Effect: Andromeda

The spacefaring RPG gets plenty right.

Mass Effect: Andromeda has received its fair share of criticism since it launched a few days back. In our review, we gave it a solid 8/10, and generally praised the game for being a worthy addition to the prestigious space opera saga, but recognized that the game does indeed have a number of issues that cannot and should not be ignored. However, that doesn’t take away from the fact that there are a lot of things that Andromeda does well- very well, in fact. It’s a step in a new direction for Mass Effect, going open world, and as such, it has taken cues from industry leaders such as The Witcher and The Elder Scrolls.

But is there anything that The Elder Scrolls 6 itself can learn from Andromeda? We feel there is. The biggest thing that The Elder Scrolls 6 can learn from Andromeda – that most RPGs can learn from Andromeda, in fact – is the expert usage of the on-the-fly switching of classes in BioWare’s latest RPG. The system provides for great flexibility and variety and manages to be accessible and complex at the same time. We are, of course, not saying that a potential sequel to Skyrim should have the exact same system, but it should definitely take cues from it and provide us with mechanics that are tight and suitably deep for an open world RPG, and go in a direction that is perhaps different from what Bethesda did in Fallout 4 and its oversimplification of RPG elements.

Another thing that The Elder Scrolls 6 can learn from Mass Effect: Andromeda is that in today’s day and age, technical issues and deficiencies matter. The launch of Andromeda has shown video game developers that people take technical glitches and lacklustre animations and lip syncing seriously – very seriously, by the looks of it. And Bethesda have been notorious for having a huge number of technical issues in all their games. Maybe they should look at Andromeda and learn from its mistakes and provide an open world RPG experience that is as free of glitches and bugs as it can be.

Do you feel there is anything The Elder Scrolls can learn from the BioWare RPG? Let us know in the comments section below.

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