Wolfenstein: The New Order Trailer Asks “To Stealth or To Mayhem?”

Explore the different gameplay routes in The New Order.

Wolfenstein: The New Order has received a new gameplay trailer, courtesy of developer Machinegames, and unlike previous trailers, we get a look at the different routes one can take while playing. Will you go with the violent route or will you opt for a more stealthy approach? Check it out above and decide for yourself what is better.

Based in an alternate post-World War II reality, Wolfenstein: The New Order sees B.J. Blazkowicz return to the conflict and join the resistance in an effort to overthrow The Third Reich and more specifically, to hunt down General Deathshead. The Nazi aren’t the cannon fodder of past games though – they now have futuristic technology that completely decimates the resistance. Can Blazkowicz prevail?

We’ll find out when Wolfenstein: The New Order will be out on May 20th worldwide for Xbox One, PS4, PS3, Xbox 360 and PC. If you pre-order the game now, you’ll receive access to the DOOM beta.

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