Wolfenstein: The New Order’s Campaign Lasts 20 Hours, Features Alternate Timeline Playthrough

An early decision affects the story's vibe and alters gameplay according to creative director Jens Matthies.

Machinegames’ Wolfenstein: The New Order is out in about 11 days for home consoles and PC. Creative director Jens Matthies recently took to Reddit for an AMA on all aspects of the game and re-iterated its play length to be 20 hours if you go through collecting everything. But that’s not all.

“This game is exclusive single player. But we’ve built in lots of replay value. Most notably is that the player makes a choice early on the outcome of which opens up an alternate time line which changes the vibe of the story. It’s recommended to do a second play through and see what would have happened if you chose differently.

“Well, I don’t want to give any spoilers, but it changes the vibe of the story to a degree and alters the gameplay somewhat. We think of it as an alternate ending, but instead of it just affecting the final cinematic, it affects the tone of the whole game a little bit.”

We won’t spoil what decision is being talked about – heck, we could be thinking of different things – but it certainly makes us look forward to the game all the more. Wolfenstein: The New Order will be out on May 20th for PC, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PS3.

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