One of the biggest blemishes, technically speaking, on The Evil Within when it launched last year was the stupid form of letterboxing it employed. Back in the days of the PS2 and Gamecube, it even made some sense, since those systems did not have the technical resources to render a high end image while also displaying at full resolution.
A game these days has no such excuses.
It wasn’t just a visual issue, either- The Evil Within is a game that demands that the player be fully aware of their environment at all times, and limiting the field of view with letterboxing just contradicts the title’s core design. One has to wonder what the reasoning behind this decision was to begin with.
Well, whatever it was, we don’t have to worry about it too much anymore, since The Evil Within’s letterboxing is now removed. The latest update for the game offers a toggle in the options menu for the console versions (the PC version was already not letterboxed if you were smart enough to play with the game’s files).