Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Hotfix Disables Some Ostara Festival Content Due to Crashes

Ubisoft is currently working on a more permanent fix.

Title update 1.2 went live for Assassin’s Creed Valhalla last week with the Ostara Festival becoming available on March 18th. Unfortunately, players began reporting crashes around Ravensthorpe after the update’s release. Ubisoft would release a server-side hotfix the next day to address the same.

This has resulted in settlement decorations being removed temporarily. Ostara Festival quests that require decorations also can’t be completed, though the development team is working on a more permanent fix. With the festival lasting until April 8th, there should be more than enough time left for its quests.

Following the festival’s end, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla will receive its first paid expansion next month with Wrath of the Druids. It will add new story quests and gear along with new locations. The expansion goes live on April 29th so stay tuned for more details and gameplay in the coming weeks. Check out our review for the base game here in the meantime.

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