Battlefield 4: DICE Working to Fix Game Crashes and Freezing in Multiplayer

A PC client patch is currently being worked on.

No multiplayer-focused game has had a smooth launch and DICE’s Battlefield 4 is no different. The developer has recently updated Battlelog to reveal multiplayer issues currently prioritized to be fixed. Earlier, the developer released a “recommended” multiplayer update on Xbox Live.

“Players on all formats have been experiencing game crashes and freezes while playing. We have logs of the most frequently occurring client crashes, and we are actively working to Obliterate the cause of these crashes in upcoming updates.”

For those facing problems with the PC version, DICE has revealed that, “We are working on a PC client patch at the moment and hope to release it soon. We will share the patch notes once we have the patch contents finalized. The main focus is to fix as many crashes as possible, starting with the issues affecting a large number of players.”

Currently, the developer is working to fix audio bugs, a progress reset bug, single-player saves being corrupted, missing promo items, and server crashes happening regardless of platform. So stay tuned for more fixes.

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