Bioware Asking Players For Help In Dealing With Obscure Dragon Age: Inquisition Bug

I mean, it's a bit of a hilarious bug...

Dragon Age: Inquisition is that rare example of a AAA game release this year that actually managed to come out without any major bugs completely hindering the experience. That said, it is, of course, one massive game, so it does have some glitches that inadvertently pop up here and there. One of them involves your party members going silent and staying silent as you journey across the land- uncharacteristic of a Bioware game, where your teammates are supposed to engage in banter and cross talk that makes them seem more realistic.

Bioware, it seems, doesn’t quite know what is causing these issues yet, and so can’t fix them- but it is asking all players of the game to help with the process. If you have played Dragon Age: Inquisition for more than 60 hours, Bioware is asking for you to share your save file, along with any general comments, with them, so they may be able to isolate the issue.

Thankfully, this isn’t a big bug, and it seems they’re on it, as far as trying to fix it goes.

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