Contraband Will Focus on “Tactical” Vehicular Combat – Rumour

Avalanche Studios' upcoming Xbox-exclusive title is going to focus on tactical vehicle-based action, according to recent rumours.

Microsoft’s got a ridiculous number of major upcoming games in the works across its first party studios, but Xbox-exclusive games are also being made with external development partners. One of those is Contraband, an open world co-op game focused on heists, developed by Just Cause developer Avalanche Studios, and though details on the game have been scant since its announcement, new details on it may have emerged.

Speaking during a recent World of Gaming stream (via VGC), Windows Central’s Jez Corden stated that based on a design brief of the game that he’s seen, Contraband is going to be focused on vehicular combat. That is, of course, something that Avalanche has a lot of experience with, having worked on games such as Mad Max and RAGE 2, but according to Corden, Contraband will go about things in a different way.

Apparently, the game’s vehicular combat will be more tactical in nature. Players will plan smuggling runs and heists before then executing them, with emphasis seemingly being placed on disabling enemies instead of killing them, with weapons that can disable opponent vehicles by taking out their tires, for instance.

Of course, given the fact that we’ve seen no gameplay of Contraband and that concrete details on the game are almost non-existent right now, it’s clear that the title isn’t going to be out for quite some time yet- which means it might be a while longer before we know for sure if these details are accurate. Corden has a solid track record with Xbox-related details though, so there’s that.

Meanwhile, it seems like Avalanche Studios might also be working on a sequel to the aforementioned Mad Max– read more on that through here.

Avalanche StudiosContrabandMicrosoftpcXbox Series SXbox Series X