“Cool” Skyrim and Rage announcements coming our way

Bethesda is hinting that they will be making some important announcement regarding Skyrim and Rage in April.

Bethesda’s VP of marketing and PR Pete Hines said, “Some things coming down the road in April for all you Rage and Skyrim fans.  April is gonna have some cool news and surprises.”

DLC is probably headed our way for both the games. Bethesda did promise lot of downloadable content for Skyrim earlier last year, and Rage hasn’t gotten any yet, so it’s only logical to think that the upcoming announcement is about DLCs. Who knows, maybe we might get those awesome dragon riding mods as DLC for Skyrim.

Or maybe an announcement of Rage 2 is headed our way. It would seem practical, seeing as id Software has talked about it in the past.

Whatever the case may be, we will keep you updated. So stay tuned!


Bethesdapcps3RageSkyrimThe Elder Scrolls V: Skyrimxbox 360