Dragon Age: Inquisition Open World ‘Not As Open As Skyrim’

Although still quite large.

BioWare has been quite open with how much its upcoming RPG Dragon Age: Inquisition is inspired by the extremely popular The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, in terms of how vast it will be. Well, looks like it will be pretty open in terms of its sandbox nature, but “not as large as Skyrim.”

It will be significantly larger than the previous Dragon Age titles, but not quite as large as the Bethesda RPG.

“The virtual world of “Dragon Age: Inquisition,” which will be released Oct. 7, “will be many times larger than that of previous games,” said BioWare producer Cameron Lee, “and will be more open for sandbox-like exploration, albeit not as open as “The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.””

EA and BioWare recently released a ton of new screenshots for Dragon Age: Inquisition, along with giving details and new information on the classes you’ll be able to play as in the game.  Check the full story here.


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