Jonathan Blow Criticizes Xbox One’s Kinect, Terms Its Auto Detection Capabilities As ‘Janky’

The Witness developer shares his thoughts on all things automated, Xbox One's Kinect included.

Jonathan Blow has been critical of Microsoft’s Xbox One in the past, starting with the Cloud computing ability of the console. Now, The Witness creator is questioning the auto-detection ability of Kinect – in reference to the video released of how many people the motion camera is capable of detecting.

And no, he’s not trying to be biased. As one user calls him a “Sony dev”, Blow states that:

On being asked to consider where he got his start – which is in reference to Blow’s first major indie title Braid being exclusive to Xbox Live Arcade – Blow simply replied that:

However, he then talks in somewhat cryptic tones about “non-working or life-complicating products” and the backlash to follow from it.

Is that in reference to the Xbox One? Hard to say. The console will be launching tomorrow and will truly mark the beginning of the new console war. What are your thoughts on Blow’s opinions? Let us know below.

Jonathan BlowKinectMicrosoftps4sonyThe WitnessXbox One