Jonathan Blow has been critical of Microsoft’s Xbox One in the past, starting with the Cloud computing ability of the console. Now, The Witness creator is questioning the auto-detection ability of Kinect – in reference to the video released of how many people the motion camera is capable of detecting.
How much longer before the public realizes that janky heuristic auto-detection kinds of things never work reliably?
— Jonathan Blow (@Jonathan_Blow) November 20, 2013
Blow isn’t attempting to single out Microsoft however. He states that iOS’s auto-correction and voice recognition capabilities are “in the same ballpark”.
(Not to single out MS here; iOS’s autocorrection, and its voice recognition, are in the same ballpark.)
— Jonathan Blow (@Jonathan_Blow) November 20, 2013
And no, he’s not trying to be biased. As one user calls him a “Sony dev”, Blow states that:
@Jonathan_Blow considering braid launched as exclusive on xbla (maybe I’m wrong), but that’s kind of where you got you got your start (1/2).
— Alex Martinet (@AlMartinet) November 20, 2013
@AlMartinet I’m independent. I am releasing for a Sony platform and a Microsoft platform simultaneously. I don’t see the issue?
— Jonathan Blow (@Jonathan_Blow) November 20, 2013
He also states that he’s commenting on the technical issues of the device more than anything and not “console warring”.
@AlMartinet I am not console warring, I am commenting honestly on what I see. I am concerned with tech issues, I am a technical person!
— Jonathan Blow (@Jonathan_Blow) November 20, 2013
On being asked to consider where he got his start – which is in reference to Blow’s first major indie title Braid being exclusive to Xbox Live Arcade – Blow simply replied that:
@AlMartinet What do you know about where I got my start? I started making games in 1996.
— Jonathan Blow (@Jonathan_Blow) November 20, 2013
However, he then talks in somewhat cryptic tones about “non-working or life-complicating products” and the backlash to follow from it.
At some point, after enough non-working or life-complicating products, there has got to be a backlash of some kind.
— Jonathan Blow (@Jonathan_Blow) November 20, 2013
Is that in reference to the Xbox One? Hard to say. The console will be launching tomorrow and will truly mark the beginning of the new console war. What are your thoughts on Blow’s opinions? Let us know below.