Minecraft: New Nintendo 3DS Edition Will Be Available In Stores on October 10

Might make for a good Christmas present for a kid.

One of the big surprises at the previous Nintendo Direct was Minecraft coming to the Nintendo 3DS; while the absence of the world’s most popular game with kids was keenly felt on the world’s most popular gaming platform for kids, by this point, people had long given up hope on Minecraft ever actually coming to the system.

Not only is the 3DS very old (and technically incapable of running the game- or so we were told), but it is also on the way out, and Minecraft already got a great Switch version earlier this year. Why bother with the 3DS? But Mojang and Microsoft did, and Minecraft was announced for New 3DS hardware, and released soon after.

However, it was released only digitally, and a retail version was confirmed to follow shortly afterwards. Shortly afterwards is November 10, because Nintendo has confirmed on its Twitter that Minecraft: New Nintendo 3DS Edition will be available at retailers on that day.

So, if you have a son or daughter, or nephew or niece, who likes playing Minecraft, but only has a 3DS or 2DS- this might be a good Holiday present for them this year.

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