Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Throws The Spotlight On Legiana Master Rank Armour Set

The apex of the Coral Highlands drops new Master Rank armour.

Monster Hunter World IceborneMonster Hunter World Iceborne

Monster Hunter World’s upcoming Iceborne expansion is promising to be a huge one. Capcom have spoken about how it’s got as much content as the base game and about its massive map– and that, of course, entails great many things, from a large new area to new monsters to new weapon moves, new abilities, new armour, and a whole lot else.

Having already shown us a great deal of the aforementioned stuff, Capcom have now chosen to throw the spotlight on the new Master Rank armour set for Legiana, the Coral Highlands monstrosity. Through the PlayStation and the official Monster Hunter Twitter handles, we get a look at the male and female versions of the armour respectively, giving us a glimpse of what the Legiana’s new armour set looks like. Take a look below.

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne is due out on September 6 for the PS4 and Xbox One, while the expansion launches for PC in Winter of the year. To get more details, read our recent interview with the game’s developers through here.

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