Bandai Namco and ILCA have released a new trailer for One Piece Odyssey, detailing the various systems of the turn-based RPG. Stranded on the Isle of Memories, the Strawhat Pirates must revisit past events and regain their lost powers. The gameplay loop is divided into three sections – Dramatic Story, Battle, and Adventure.
The Battle System follows a “rock paper scissors” approach with Strength beating Speed, Speed beating Technique, and Technique beating Strength. Each Strawhat member is proficient in different stats, and during battles, various “dramatic scenes” will occur, providing bonus objectives to complete for more EXP. You can switch team members in and out in combat and while exploring, the latter taking advantage of their unique field actions to progress.
Various conversations will also play out between characters, adding even more to the One Piece dynamic. One Piece Odyssey is out on January 13th, 2023, for Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PS5 and PC. A free demo goes live on January 10th for consoles.