Super Meat Boy Forever Delayed, Releasing “Not Too Far After April”

"We choose not to run ourselves into the ground," says Team Meat.

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The long-in-development and highly anticipated Super Meat Boy Forever has suffered a delay. Team Meat announced on Twitter that it wouldn’t be making the previously stated April 2019 release window. However, the developer noted that it shouldn’t be “too long of a delay.”

In its official statement, Team Meat said that the game had been delayed to “after but not too far after April 2019”.

“We’ve been knocking out the last bits of Super Meat Boy Forever at record speeds while keeping a healthy and sustainable pace,” said the developers. “We are going to keep that pace which means we will not hit our April 2019 release. Sorry about that.

“We could have sacrificed our minds, bodies and social lives to make April 2019 but that’s stupid. Team Meat isn’t some studio owned by an Evil A**hat corporation that has say over what we do and how we do it. We are fortunate enough to have control over how we work and we choose not to run ourselves into the ground.”

Bonus points if you noticed the significance of capitalizing “evil” and “a**hat”. Given recent reports of unhealthy crunch in development studios, particularly BioWare’s Anthem, it’s good to see Team Meat finishing things at its own pace. More information on a release date will likely be coming in the coming month or two.

Super Meat Boy Forever will be coming to Xbox One, PS4, PC (exclusively on the Epic Games Store for one year), Nintendo Switch, Android, and iOS. As more of an automatic runner/platformer, the title will still maintain the difficulty that the series is known for. The development team has also promised DLC that will make levels “ridiculously hard”, though we’ll have to wait till after launch for user-created levels.

androidEpic Games StoreiOSnintendo switchpcps4Super Meat Boy ForeverTeam MeatXbox One