Courtesy of E-xpress Games and Square Enix, you now stand a chance to win some awesome merchandise for Thief. As depicted in the image above you can win a free t-shirt, art works and metallic box art. We have 3 Game T-shirts + 3 Thief official Lithographs + 3 Thief Metal Case to give away!
Just answer the following questions in the comments sections below:
When did the last game in the Thief Series come out?
- 2011
- 2009
- 2004
Which group is an ancient sect of expert observers?
- The Keepers
- The Observers
- The Weepers
Who is Garrett’s nearest thing to a friend?
- Flasso
- Basso
- Grasso
What is Garrett also known as?
- The One Eyed Thief
- The One
- Both
Which eye of Garrett is green?
- Left
- Right
- Both
Which actor’s voice is used for Garrett?
- Romano Orzari
- Stephen Russell
- Stephane D’Astous
Who are the publishers of the latest version of Thief?
- Square Enix
- Warner Bros
- EA
Which engine is used in Thief?
- Unreal Engine 3
- Dark Engine
- Black Engine
Contest closes March 6th, 2014. So hurry up!
Additionally you can pre-order Thief using this link.