Battlefield 4: DICE Looking Into Kinect Integration For Head Tracking For Xbox One And Xbox 360

Only if it makes sense though, according to DICE producer Daniel Matros.

DICE Producer Daniel Matros recently spoke about all things Battlefield 4-related and dropped an interesting little nugget of information. Apparently, there’s been talk of the developer looking to implement head tracking using Kinect for the Xbox 360 and Xbox One versions of its cross-generational shooter.

“That sort of thing is something we’re still discovering and messing around with, but right now we’re mainly just focused on shipping the game. Once we’ve done that, and got the game into players’ hands, we’ll see what we can do in terms of adding all the extra fluff.

“We don’t want to do something just because we can do it or because it looks cool. It needs to be worthwhile, it needs to work and it needs to be accessible; people need to know that they’re investing in this because it’s going to make the Battlefield experience better. Really it comes down to everything we do having to make sense,” he said to Xbox 360 Achievements.

This seems to be in line with other developers, such as Gaijin Entertainment, who will be implementing head-tracking into games like War Thunder for the PS4 using the PS Eye camera. Will DICE be serious about implementing the same on the Xbox versions of Battlefield 4? We’ll find out as soon as they announce it. Battlefield 4 meanwhile will be releasing on October 29th in North America for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC with a PS4 version releasing on November 15th and an Xbox One version due out on November 22nd.

battlefield 4DICEEAhead-trackingKinectpcps3ps4xbox 360Xbox One