Borderlands 3 – Gearbox Boss Talks About Art Style And Unanswered Story Questions

It's "concept art style", not "cel-shaded graphics."

There’s a lot in the Borderlands series that sets it apart from competitors in the looter shooter space (of which there are many), but the one difference that is most immediately apparent is the art style. While most other looter shooters go for a photorealistic look, Borderlands, instead, has always been about colourful, vibrant visuals.

Just don’t call them “cel-shaded” graphics, though. Gearbox Software concept artist Amanda Christensen and studio head Randy Pitchford recently clarified on Twitter that the visuals in the Borderlands games aren’t cel-shaded, and that a more accurate way of describing them would be “comic book style”. Pitchford also added that internally, Gearbox has always called it “concept art style” or “graphic novel art style”. The distinction is obvious, to be honest- you look at something like The Wind Wakerthat’s cel-shaded… and Wind Waker and Borderlands don’t really look alike.

Meanwhile, Pitchford also took out the time to answer questions about the upcoming Borderlands 3 from fans. One in particular was curious about Sirens, the origins of their powers, and if there are truly only six of them. Pitchford said that there is “no evidence that refutes those that believe there are only six”, while also teasing that Borderlands 3 will answer questions about the origins of their powers. So we have that to look forward to as well.

Borderlands 3 is out in less than week, on September 13 for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. On PC, the game will indeed be available for pre-load, so you don’t need to worry on that front. You can also check out its system requirements through here. Reviews for the game start going live tomorrow, on September 9.

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