Fortnite Removing Planes at the Start of Season 8

Prepare to be grounded once again.

With each new season, Epic Games makes some significant changes to Fortnite– Season 7 saw the introduction of planes, but as it turns out, it was only a temporary addition, which has happened several times with major additions in the past as well.

While responding to questions on a recent AMA thread on Reddit, Fortnite’s design lead Eric Williamson confirmed that Epic would be “vaulting” the planes at the beginning of Season 8, which begins in a couple days’ time on February 28.

That said, the upcoming season is likely to bring some other significant additions to the game’s battle royale hijinks. A recent tease by Epic hinted at some upcoming pirate-themed shenanigans as players look for lost loot. Meanwhile, Epic also recently stated that they’re currently considering respawning mechanic– though this most likely won’t be coming in the near future (if it does end up coming), that’s still something to look forward to.

There’s still some time left to earn Fortnite’s Season 8 battle pass for free. All you have to do is complete thirteen challenges- read more on that through here.

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