Marvel’s Midnight Sun Gets New Trailer Focusing on Nico

The new trailer, focusing on Nico, is likely a prelude for more trailers that will show off various aspects of the character.

Developer Firaxis and publisher 2K have released a new trailer for Marvel’s Midnight Suns, this time shining a spotlight on Nico. The trailer gives us a short look at Nico’s abilities in the upcoming strategy game.

As seems to be the pattern, this hero spotlight trailer is likely a prelude to more trailers about Nico that will be released down the line, such as a video that explains the character’s history, and another trailer that shows us how the character is played.

The last trailer for Marvel’s Midnight Suns focused on Blade and his bleed-based skillset. Primarily a frontline attacker, Blade specialises in Chain attacks and applying Bleed damage, which causes enemies to take damage every turn.

Before Blade, Marvel’s Midnight Suns released trailers focusing on Magik’s abilities, The Hunter’s gameplay, and The Hunter’s history.

Marvel’s Midnight Suns is set to release on PC, Xbox Series X/S, and PS5 on December 2. A release on Xbox One, PS4, and Nintendo Switch is also planned for later.

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