Crytek has released the latest trailer for Crysis 2 featuring the story. The trailer actually goes into the plot of Crysis 2 as well as explaining some of the story and of course the all mighty Nano Suit. Pre-order the Crysis 2 Limited Edition to get Bonus XP starting you off at level 5 giving you early access to all five preset class load-outs, the SCAR Hologram Decoy attachment, SCAR Weapon Skin and a One-of-a-kind Platinum Dog Tag.
Crysis 2 comes out March 25th, 2011, for the Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and PC.
This isn’t a war ordinary humans can win. From Lingshan to the streets of Manhattan, Crysis 2 picks up the events of the original game and unravels a vast conspiracy against the backdrop of apocalyptic war.