Project CARS is one of the best racing game you will play this generation. However its launch has been marred by performance issues across the PS4, Xbox One and PC. Regdarless, the developer Slightly Mad Studios are working around the clock the fix them.
Ian Bell who is the head of Slightly Mad Studios has revealed that a number of updates are in the works. Speaking on the game’s official forums, Bell stated that the track cutting should be much improved” in the next patch. He also confirmed and teased that historic tracks and two new tracks might possibly come to the game. For players who are facing troubles in finding other gamers to play the game, Bell has assured that they are looking into this, although he does believe that opening up regional restrictions will only make matters worse.
Bell also followed up on his recent statements on the Wii U version which is currently struggling to reach 30 fps at 720p. Bell revealed that they are not allowed to release a game that is running below 30FPS, but finding that extra 25% frame time is currently looking impossible. To give an example, Bell stated that the new tyre model alone is using two cores on the PS4 and Xbox One and the Wii U version only has 2 cores available from the start up.
Regarding the PS4 version, Bell revealed that they are pushing every core of the PS4 to 99%+ under heavy load along with GPU at 95%. Regardless, they will try and keep optimizing the PS4 version.
And finally, Bell stated that the game is selling well everywhere, beating their expectations.
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