Cosplay is not merely an event. For many people it is a custom and a fundamental part of conventions, and as many years have gone by Cosplay has gone from the few and the hardcore to a massive net of costume enthusiasts spreading across the globe. People with regular jobs and regular schedules take time from work and their daily activities, to dress up as their favorite character.
But that character is not merely a part of a video game, to them it is a form of identity, an identity which holds integrity, heroism, passion and virtues. For the uninitiated Cosplay is a shortened form of two words – costume and play. Keeping that in mind let’s take a look at the top cosplays of 2013.
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Note: The list is in random order.
All images taken from Deviantart.
Tali Zorah (Mass Effect)
You have to admit, this is the most realistic Tali Zorah cosplay you’ve ever seen. I love how the artist paid attention to each detail. The artist highlighted the eyebrows and cheekbones to replicate the game model of Tali. Overall this is a fantastic version of Tali Zorah and if it were a movie, this is exactly how I would have pictured the Quarian.