Easter eggs are one of those obscure little phenomena that show the human side of the gaming industry. Whether it be intentional or by accident, these lovely little random allusions to anything and everything always bring a smile to the face and rumours to the many forums that litter the web. The Mario games, being one of the most iconic gaming franchises ever, are packed full of Easter eggs and it seemed like a good idea to pick some of my favourites for your reading pleasure.
10. Three figures – Mario Galaxy 2
If you look really closely on some of the Shiverburn galaxy missions you’ll notice the silhouettes of three mysterious figures who follow you around the level, perched atop the mountain. They’re so far away it’s tough to tell who it could be, so let the speculation begin. This one gets to start off the list on account of its relative obscurity and rumor-mongering potential.
9. I am Error – Super Paper Mario
The first of many, many references to other Nintendo games. During the boss fight with the big bad-ass dragon guy, he starts chatting a load of gibberish part way through. If you take the time to listen to all of it he concludes with “I am error:” A rather iconic engrish line of dialogue from the second Legend of Zelda game.
8. Nintendo cameos – Super Mario RPG
This one deserves a mention, solely on account of how underrated and rare the Super Mario RPG is. If you take the time to explore the game world you’ll find Link and Samus taking a nap in the Rosa inn and Mushroom Kingdom castle guest room respectively. Talking with Link cues the mystery melody from the Zelda games, whereas Samus replies “…… I’m resting up for Mother Brain.” Textbook execution right there.