The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild – Music Cues
There’s a certain core of people who will say one of the few flaws to be found in the excellent The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is lacking in the audio department due to not having those big, bombastic soundtracks of previous Zelda titles. Those people are absolutely wrong, the game just knows how to use silence. The wilds of Fallen Hyrule are a decrepit, melancholy place filled with danger, where a Hyrule Field theme would have felt out of place if not just gotten annoying some hours in. There are times when the music will swell in just the right moments, such as a pocket of civilization or during the fantastic endgame storming Hyrule Castle right through the credits, but there’s also lots of fan service hidden just underneath, hidden within the call of the wild. And we’re not just talking about the Ocarina callbacks within the towns either.
Like how Hyrule has fallen into the shadow of Calamity Gannon, Echoes of the main Zelda theme will begin to take shape through a long journey at night on a horse. Stick around for a moment in the former ruins of the Temple of Time and see what you might hear. While the music, much like the kingdom itself, is broken, it is most definitely there.