From the moment it was first revealed, Super Mario Odyssey looked like it was going to be the ultimate Mario game, and while its ranking within the series is up for debate, no one can deny that it is easily one of the best platformers ever made. Every world you visit is crafted with so much love and care that the simple act of walking and jumping around and exploring every nook and cranny to discover delightful secrets can take up hours of your time. Then there’s the capturing mechanic, which turns the entire game on its head, and makes for some of the most ingenious and inventive moments we’ve ever experienced in a Mario game. Then, of course, there’s Mario himself, who has a ridiculously deep repertoire of moves that platforming enthusiasts are digging into to this day. Super Mario Odyssey is a celebration of everything that makes this series great, and it’ll be a long time before we play something like this again.