Games are hard sometimes, and every so often you just can’t deal with that. We’re busy people, we don’t have time to play one level for the umpteenth time after shattering three controllers. But then when you lower the difficulty or screw up too many times, games will insult you. Take for instance…
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The Chicken Hat – Metal Gear Solid 5
In typical Metal Gear fashion, MGS5 doesn’t simply have an “Easy” mode. There is one, but even then, if you fail a level enough times, the game will offer you a chicken hat to wear. With this hat, enemies are less perceptive, you’ll find more ammo, health will regenerate quicker, and the game will pretty much tussle your hair and call you sport as it takes you out for ice cream. The game doesn’t force it on you, it gives you the option, but it still feels like an insult more than a helping hand.